Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Be Brave at All Times

The power of God isn't visible but it's there. When you have TRUE faith in the God, you will recognize the power of God when it is revealed to you. Trust in his power at all times. Don't be brave from a safe distance.

Sometimes it just seems so hard to trust in the power of God. Sometimes it is just so easy to pick up and do it yourself. My, my, it's a shame how much lack of faith we have sometimes. The power of God is something that is revealed at the right times, all the time. God is never late. He may not be on your time but when he decides to move, nothing can stop him. When God decides to exert this power in your life, be ready because he will show you who he is and what he can do. Don't be brave and trust God's power when things are sweet. Trust in his power at ALL times. Just do it! Yes it is going to be hard. Do it anyway. You will not be let down!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Don't Worry

Good morning. There is strength in your weakness. Don't let your problems discourage you. You are a temple of the Lord. He promises to keep his eyes and heart on his temple and will reign their FOREVER. God will show you his perfect power in you darkest hour.

Some of you all may be going through a few pitfalls in life at this moment. You feel down, so down at the moment. You're trying to pick yourself up and you can't seem to get yourself passed that hump to move forward. In 2 Cor. 12:10 Paul says, when I am weak, then I am strong. He knows that God will restore him. What about you? Do you know that God will restore you? God will never abandon you. He destroys those who seek to destroy anything God puts his eyes and heart. Why should you be afraid? Why should you feel sorrow? As long as God reigns there, nothing will be able to destroy it. Does God reign over you? If you can answer this question with no pause, be encouraged and praise him. God will intercede for you and you will be strong again. But if you feel pause, fix it!! Let God reign over your life and watch his power made perfect.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Praise Him

Good morning. My encouragement to your this week is to praise God through it all. Seriously. You will never find a friend, a father, a healer, a counselor, or comfort like God. He loves you without condition. Your sins are never to ugly for him to turn his back on you. Your efforts are never too short for him to lift you up. Praise him.

I know that we all go through situations where it seems like it is impossible to see the good in anything. False. Praise God immediately. You may think "why?" Praise him because this is another time for God to show up. Marvin Sapp said this yesterday when I heard him preach "
True greatness comes from those who still serve Christ in the midst of crisis and not just when you're on the mountain top." God will be with you through it all!!! Through it all!!! Why wouldn't you praise his name. he will never leave you. God is a not a situational God. He wants to be part of your life for every moment, good or bad. How many people want to be around you all the time? Those times when it seems your friends get tired of hearing you cry about your problems, God is nothing like that. Praise him for that. Praise him at all times...Be Blessed..