Friday, March 30, 2012

Challenge Yourself to Be Positive!!

My encouragement to you this week is to NOT let yourself be a casualty to your negative thoughts. Challenge your mind & your heart to believe in the best for your life. Pray for strength. Keep encouraging yourself, knowing God will come through for you! Decide to live expecting the best for yourself AT ALL TIMES no matter what obstacles are before you!
Don't let your mind make you go CRAZY! Don't let your mind be a great weapon formed against BY YOURSELF. You cannot become a casualty to negative thoughts. To thoughts that tell you: "I can't do this",  "I'm too weak", "I should just give up." Why do that? Why? You are only hurting yourself more and more. Stressing yourself to a point past your control. Challenge your mind and heart to see that hope still lives. There is a way for you. You have power. Sometimes your hands are tied but the hands of the Lord aren't. He can do things for you that will blow your mind. God can blow your mind when you allow God to be God and carry your faith on your sleeve. Wear your faith proudly remembering you CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Not possibly can do or might do, CAN do. You need to pray and believe that all the plans you have for yourself are going to happen. It may not happen as soon as you want it so pray for strength. Strength to hold your mind together. Strength to be patient. Strength to move forward no matter what. You have to call God on your side. You have to embrace God to be what you need Him to be for you. You have to hold on to your hope just as much to a higher extreme as your faith. It's one thing to believe in God but it's another to trust Him and EXPECT Him to work things out for you and to let your life show that you trust Him.
Start living and expecting the best for yourself. Too many times we are better at expecting the worst outcomes rather than the best outcomes for ourselves, even those of us who say "I trust God." Ask yourself, "If I trust God, why can't I see that He wants me to live in happiness?" "If I trust God, why do I believe in the most negative aspects of my life than the hope of God coming through?" We cannot live a contradiction. I don't write these words to call you a hypocrite or anything like that. I write them solely because WE all have to evaluate ourselves and make sure we are doing our best to stay focused on the best for ourselves. Live expecting God to come through. Live expecting a great thing to happen for us in a major way. But we have to confront our obstacles and choose to remain positive. Choose that! Read inspiration daily. Meditate on it. That goes from the Bible to just great words. But you decide to live! Be blessed...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Best You Possible!

My encouragement to you this week is to devote yourself daily to becoming to the greatest you possible! Push through your pain, work on your shortcomings, and build on the best things about you. Pray on it. Ask God for His help to make it a reality. But every day: Be a Better You!
This is one of my many mottoes I have for myself ,"Always be better today than who or what you were yesterday." This is a motto I would hope that everyone in some form or fashion has for themselves as well. Everyday we should be learning. Everyday we should be growing as a person. Everyday our wisdom should be increasing. We have to devote our self to being a great person everyday in life filled with so many obstacles. I know that it is tough but we must do our best any way because that is what will help us grow in character, in endurance, and in faith in God and self. And faith in yourself is very, very important. Faith in God is highly important. We need both of these to get past our obstacles which hold us back from being great.
You have to push through your pain as well. I know this can be such a hard feat for a lot of us when the pain feels like it is so surmounting and it is that bad. The pain very well may be that bad as well. I'm by no means saying it's just an issue in the mind. It can get rough! I know that first hand that it can. But you have to push past your pain in order to get the best our your life. You have to. That means also to start working on your shortcomings. You have to work on those things that you know you can get better at to aid you in being your best. To be the best you possible we have to progress daily in order to actualize all that we want to be in life. So progress is daily and daily we all can be a bit better. Then we have some great things about us already there. Cultivate those gifts and build on them. We have to build on those great little things about us that make us great. Don't even think for a second there is nothing special about you. We all have been blessed in some way and you have been too! Build on the good things about you. Build on the nice traits about you. You so much there to value about yourself. Harness and build on those great things to make you so much better for everyone else. 
In all of these things, take them to God in prayer. Trust me God can make everything you want to get better into a reality because He is just that faithful and that good to us. God wants us to be great in our lives. He knows that pain WILL happen. It will. But God promised to be faithful and pull us through and lift is up into something special. We have to work everyday at it and pray on it. It will happen if we continue to work at it. I promise you. If you are willing to struggle, than you are willing to be successful...Be Blessed...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

You can because God said You can..

My encouragement to you is NEVER allow your vision and purpose for your life to be dictated by adversity.  Keep believing in yourself. Keep believing God is able. Take advantage of the power we have in Jesus. Keep working. Keep praying. You will be victorious!
Please never allow anything to compromise your vision and purpose. Let me tell you on bit of advice in life in case you didn't know: Life is filled with problems! Life is filled with them and they will always be that way. Of course we will have moments of peace. Complete and great peace. God-given peace. But what about when that peace is shaken? What do you do? You sit and wallow and disappointment? Maybe for a little while. I do at times, can't lie. But I have to get up. You have to get up. Get all the way up and not let disappointment and problems dictate how you live your life!
Know that God is on your side. He wants you to be successful. He won't allow you to fail if you are willing to keep going and trust in God. You can do it. By God's grace, we can do whatever we need to do in life. I think that's a mindset we need to have. There's nothing that's too much for you if you're trusting God. You can handle whatever comes your way because God promises that He'll never put more on us than we can bear and deal with. Keep a positive attitude no matter where you are right now, no matter what's going on in your life.
You have got to keep working. You have got to keep pressing so that you can see you can be successful. You have to keep going to see that God is always present near you. Keep praying so that you can truly feel the hand of God in place. Keep praying to stay empowered by the peace of knowing God is about to get you through this one way or another. But you have to keep going so that you can reap what you sow, God can get the glory from your life, and you can be a testimony to yourself and others. You will be victorious in this fight. As exhausting and painful as the battle is, don't you think to stop going for your purpose in life. Don't you stop seeing the vision for your life. Trials cannot dictate you nor should they. They definitely can make you sad but they WILL NOT take you out if you are willing to push and lean on the saving hand of God. You are capable!...Be Blessed...