Monday, February 21, 2011

Serve Christ has served you..

Good morning Saints. My encouragement to you this week is to serve others as Christ has served you. Speak encouragement to another, spend time with those in trial, or volunteer your labor to better someone else. Be a servant to others.

Be a servant to others. My encouragement to you this week is that simple. It is our responsibility to give to others. Someone has given to us at one time or another. We have a responsibility to serve others. It is our expression of love, compassion, and joy to better the lives of someone. If we look at the life of Christ, Christ served others in so many capacities for a lifetime. His words inspired hope in the lives of many. His kindness expressed the love he had for us even in our times of rebellion against God. He was never too busy to help the life of another. Are we this way with others? Do we really try and give our service to better another or are we too busy self-serving ourselves? I look at my own life at times and wonder do I do too much for others. A very good friend of mine kept me encouraged to keep up the work and I am grateful for her constant encouragement. When you are impacting the life of another, the work will never feel like it is too much. You are doing a great thing to help someone else become the great person you want them to be. You are volunteering your time to see the joy on the faces of others. You spend time with those in trial because they will truly know what love is and how to give it to another person. All things that Christ has done for people and all the things Christ is doing for us...Be Blessed...

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