How hard is it at times to take that leap of faith? Forget leap, just even that very next step in your faith. It can be so hard when time after time you are being hit with something new in your life that just makes you feel so overwhelmed. I know the feeling. last year, I was trying to be so strong for everyone else when inside I was dying. I was trying to be a pillar for others and in my own life, I just was being blitzed on all sides with a newer set of troubles. Everyone who would call me or talk to me, I was always firm about living by faith and pushing forward when I was having a hard time passing GO myself. One day, I broke down, cried and got so upset. I stopped and realized that would do nothing for me. I got down on my hands and knees and cried out to God and asked him to simply order my steps where I should go. If you lead me Lord, I will follow. I started really just living out the same faith that I exhort to others. It took some time but I truly saw the changes God had made for my life. God started blessing me with open doors and bigger opportunities that I am still benefiting from today. The road hasn't been all smooth but with God it has been much better. I live in more hope for my paths ahead of me. I get overwhelmed at times with things but the hope I have in God to grant me peace is the voice that comes through in the midst of my hard times. I know God can make some changes in my life. he is more than capable. I have to live in that faith and the optimism that he can do all that I am asking of him and I know he can. He has been doing things for me even when I turned my back on him intentionally or unintentionally. When I look towards the ways of the Lord and live in my faith actively, I know My Father will hear me and come down to help his child. But this hope that i have which leads me to my perseverance comes from and overpowering faith that I have in the ability of God and his love for forward in your faith and watch God reaffirm your faith..Be Blessed..
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