Monday, December 19, 2011

God Keeps a Promise...

My encouragement to you this week is to remember God KEEPS His promises. God is Good. God is Faithful. KEEP PRAYING! God WILL keep his promises to take care of you. He may not calm the storm right away but He WILL hold your hand through it. Stay in hope! God is your Provider today and forever!!

God keeps his promises! I guarantee you that. There is no friend like the one we have in the Lord. What friend is that faithful to love us when we are at our best and especially at our worst? Romans 10:13 is a promise from God to save ANYONE who calls upon the name of Jesus Christ... "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." God didn't say "Maybe," He said SHALL! I've witnessed the Gospel to many people who sincerely didn't know if they were going to Heaven, but they wouldn't get saved either. God is good to us even when we are terrible to Him. God sees the best in us and God wants the BEST for us. He will remain faithful to us because God wants us to be happy. God will do it for your good and His glory. He wants you to shout out what He has done for you and God has done so much for you! God is not man who lies. If He said He will do it, count on it. (Num 23:19)

Keep praying. Do not stop praying. Believe in your prayer! Stop just mouthing words and say it with some power and belief. We can't just say it in blind hope. Pray with affirmation. KEEP PRAYING UNTIL GOD MAKES IT HAPPEN!! Don't lose belief that God will respond because God hasn't answered it in YOUR time! God will answer your prayer with an affirmation to let you know it was His grace that was shared with you. God knows each thought we have, so why not go to HIM and talk with him as you would if you were to meet him on the street. Meet god in prayer. But I tell you this prayer with belief will not go very far. Either you believe in the power of God, or you don't. "The prayer power has never been tried to its full capacity. If we want to see mighty wonders of divine power and grace wrought in the place of weakness, failure and disappointment, let us answer God's standing challenge, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not!" (J. Hudson Taylor) Call to God and EXPECT Him to answer your prayers! I understand it's hard to keep it up when you're not sure when that will happen but EXPECT God to make it happen. Prayer is the root of your blessings! Don't miss out.

Lastly, trust God as your Provider. He will give you all you need in the midst of your turmoil and pain. He will do that for you! God knows how hard you struggle and sometimes He won't remove the struggle right away. But I guarantee if you call to God, He will make provisions for you until the day of delivery. He will provide hope that affirm YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS through Him. God will hold your hand the whole way and even after you have been delivered. He is the mighty Provider. Ps 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. Like a mother that keeps one eye always on her child at play, so He provides two watchful eyes over our life at all times! In Psalm 84, it says God DOES NOT withhold good. God is a gracious Provider who wants to take care of our every need today and forever. Turn to God. Trust in God wholeheartedly. Trust in your PRAYER! God KEEPS his promises. You don't have to worry about the things ahead. Live right and believe in what He says!!! Be Blessed..

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