Give us our daily bread. This is a line from one of the most powerful prayers in the Bible, if not the most, given to us by Jesus. He is saying that in our prayer we are to ask God for our daily bread. It is a recognition that God is the provider for our daily needs. God is the provider for all our our inquiries. God is the provider for all that gives us unrest and we must ask for God daily! It may be the same prayer daily, so what? In Matthew 7:7 it says, "Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened for you." That means you must keep looking from this provision from God all the time with earnestness, diligence and perseverance. We must recognize God as the powerful and unique provider that he has shown himself to be. No one can do what God has been doing for us. No one can make the miracles that has happened in our lives happen but the Lord who we pray to and has provided time and time again.
You may find yourself "stuck" in a situation that seems like it will never end. No, it will pass. It has to cease! God is the possible to our impossible. KEEP PRAYING!! DON'T STOP!! God may need to see that you are committed to Him and his ability. Maybe God is working it out now in a way that hasn't been revealed to you yet. But I tell you this with great assurance: No prayer from the heart of the faithful goes unanswered by the Lord! The Lord is faithful. The Lord is amazing in deed and in sovereignty. The Lord will always provide what you need. Don't think that God won't or can't do it! Believe in God. believe in God's ability. Believe that your situation is not an impossible one for God. Why would God forsake you? God will not gain. God will not be happy to see your demise mentally, spiritually, and sometimes physically. Remember God is our father. He loves us. We are in a relationship with God. He is our Savior. He is our Father. If you are in a relationship with someone and you don’t continuously nurture that relationship, it dies. We are in a daily walk with our Father who provides for us. That is why He hears us when we pray. Not because of anything in us that makes us worthy—rather it is because He adopted us and we are dear to His heart.
As we allow God to provide our daily bread, praise Him! If you are waiting on God to change one aspect of your life before you praise God with all of your heart, you are wrong. You are wrong. Praise God for what he has done thus far in your life and that is A LOT! God has done so much for you. Praise lets you draw near to God. Praising God means that you DON'T buy into the fear and doubt. It shows you TRUST Him. It shows that you BELIEVE His promises to carry you through. I tell you this, if we focus on the problems, we can make ourselves as miserable as we choose to be. Seriously. We allow ourselves to remove hope from our situations. We make our burden grow into something we no longer is able to be lifted. Remember 1 Peter 6:10, "God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." Remember this. Praise God for this promise to us! Praise God because you are sure that God is more than able! Praise God because He is more than able to work it out for you!!! Our situation can be affected by praise and be our faithfulness to our Provider!...Be Blessed...
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