Monday, March 14, 2011

Is Your Life is In God's Hands..?

My encouragement to you this week is let God be in control. God is not putting us on a path of no troubles. God is putting us on paths to trust him. God has the power to cease our tough times. God he has the power to sustain you in our trials. You've tried everything else. Now let God take control. You will see the difference.

Life is a journey full of many, many twist and turns. We all are on our own journey. We may run into people on our journeys we know. Same pursuit but still unique to that individual. One thing that will be common on all of our journeys is that we will encounter trouble. We know it's the path we need to be on and we run into problems. We get discouraged. We ask ourselves is this the way that we need to be on. We begin to question. Saints, sometimes God puts us on a certain path to become what he wants us to be. he may allow this trouble so you can come out how he wants you to come out. God sees the best in you and knows at times your best has not been achieved. Hardships forces you to be at your best to gain the peace you want. The biggest thing is that we need to let God be in control of our lives. We try all of our friends, family, and colleagues before we look to the Lord. God was supposed to be first and last. God can command all your problems to cease immediately! Whatever the problem is, God will always be the answer. God may lead you on a path of trouble so you can lean on him. You need to trust him to take over the situation. God will hold you up. You will be ready to endure. You will be able to meet the problems head on and conquer the enemy before you. Give God control and God will give you much more. If you are still not in fellowship with God, do it now. Don't delay. Peace awaits you. A life after this life awaits you...Be Blessed...

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