Thursday, November 29, 2012

God Never Comes Up Short

My encouragement to you this week is to be confident God's grace is sufficient for you. God will never come up short in your life. Keep praying with confidence. God will show up with the perfect solution for you. Work on your issues. He will order your steps. Don't quit on God. He has NEVER quit on you!

God never comes up short. I had to start this blog off with that notion. Some of us are lamenting at our problems wondering why God hasn't fixed them yet. We will get a blessing but not "thee" blessing we are waiting on. But even in that God never comes up short. God's grace is sufficient for you. Sufficient means adequate for the purpose; enough. It also means competent. I look at that last word competent. It loosely means someone who understands what is going on. God is competent. Beyond competent. He knows exactly how to bless you, when to bless, and what to bless you with at that moment. The Lord is strong, mighty, and gracious. He will not come up short in your situation.

But do you believe it? Do you believe that God, full of grace, can take the best care of you and your situation? Some of us have been stuck in our mess for weeks, months, and even years. We feel God must not love us. We feel even God has abandoned us. We feel we are the problem as to why God hasn't saved us yet. Therefore, we stop praising. We stop praying. We stop our gratitude to God. We won't do anything until God shows us some kind of sign. Brothers and sisters, this is wrong. God loves us even when we mistreat Him and He won't ever mistreat us the way we do Him. We must pray with confidence God will show up because He will. We must keep a praise in our mouth because soon it's going to mean so much more. You have to keep praying that God will use you, God will change your life, and God will never come up short. God's grace is something we don't even deserve. We have done nothing to earn it. Nothing. But His grace is out of His love for us. It works!

You keep working on the issue and and know God has your back. God always has our back if we keep God in the situation! God can do much if we keep Him in the midst of the storm! God has a perfect solutionsl for you. But how can you see God if you aren't trying to put Him in the situation? How can you expect God to lead you when you won't allow yourself to be lead?? God has many blessings in store for you but you can't quit on Him. He won't quit on you. He won't turn His ear away from you. He hears your cries and He hears your prayers. God will work out the situation. Not according to our will. Because if that's the case we would have worked it out a long time ago. But we can't. We can only trust God is working on our behalf and He will come strong for us...Be Blessed..

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

God is always on time!

My encouragement for you this week is to accept God's timing. He has a powerful plan for your life. He knows your desires. Keep praying. Keep trusting. He will bless you on time. He will deliver you on time. He will build yourself kingdom on time. Trust God to take care of you perfectly & on time!!

Accepting God's timing is jby no means very easy because you have to wait. We are born in an impatient time where everything has become so instant. We have set our lives up this way. We hate to wait for anything. We take any piece of control in our hands. So through our actions sometimes we throw off God's timing for us through that because we can't accept God's timing. We have to submit ourselves totally to the perfect plan for us because God has one made just for us. Just for you.

God knows what is going on in your life. He knows what you really want. He knows that there are things that you want to change immediately. God has a perfect plan already prepared for you. You keep praying the way thar you should be praying. You remain waiting on God to turn it around in your favor or to open up a door. It will happen on God's time though. He will make it happen on His time so you truly learn to trust Him and to truly understand that His ways are higher than your ways. You must decrease so that you can see God increase in your life. God will build you a kingdom. He will deliver you but it is on His schedule. His schedule because He can open doors that no man can shut. He can make a way a way that no other man can make. Your plans have come to work a little while and fail. God's plan never fails. His blessings never come up short.

Trust God and His timing. Understand what trust means. It means a confident expectation of something. What are you expecting from God? Are you confident of God in for something? Do you have an unflinching hope in the ability of God? If your answer is yes, then accept His timing. Accept that His grace is sufficient. Accept God never comes up short. Trust God will be on time!...Be Blessed...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

God is Ready to Build Your Kingdom

My encouragement to you this week is to let God build a kingdom for you. God delights in supplying our needs. Be confident in God! Pray with conviction. Don't be bound by worry. Be filled with assurance your Father is in control.

God wants to build each and every last one of us a kingdom. He delights in it. When we think of a kingdom, we think of a place where all your needs are provided for at your leisure. You don't have to run too far. You don't have to worry about do you have what you need. A kingdom is full of all the things we delight in. God wants to give you all of the things which give you comfortable. But all that is found through Him. We find joy, peace, and deliverance through God. He can build you something special but it comes with requirements.

You must open your heart and mind to have total trust that God can make this kingdom for you. One in heaven and on this earth. We all want to trust God but all of the bad things in our lives take all our attention. We prioritize all of our fears. We prioritize all of what makes us sad but we ask God to give us a kingdom. We ask God to give us peace, with little to no effort. It doesn't work like that saint. God has requirements. You have got to believe in His power to make you secure! We will all worry. In 1 Peter 5:7 it says," Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." He cares about you! He loves you! Let God fix the problems. Let God change it around. You do what's needed of you and I promise the Lord will not fail you. He doesn't lie when He says He will sustain you.

Be confident in God. You have done the best on your own. Give it to one who has no limits on the extent of His ability! He can change it around. And it may be a slow change because you need to grow. Some of us do. I have seen fast changes and some so slow in my life. But I will fix my heart on His plan. I know He can do incredible things for me. I know He will do it. God can supply my kingdom. He can supply for yours as well. Open your heart. You have prioritized the negative things long enough. Give God the same attention. Give God the same priority! He is in control. He is ready to take over and right the ship. Let His Will truly be your Will. Stop saying that without a heart willing to sacrifice. Sacrifice your plans in assurance that His ways will take you further. This time it will be different. He loves us. He knows how to make us a kingdom we will always want to dwell in...Be Blessed...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

God's Love is Life Changing!

My encouragement to you this week is to believe God's Love will help you overcome your past. We all made mistakes. God forgives our mistakes. He has many blessings to help us overcome our past. Trust Him. Earnestly work on your change. Completely believe in His Grace!

Many of us feel shackled by our past. Many of us seems like we can't run fast enough to escape our past. Sometimes I feel it too. But I do know that His grace is sufficient for me.His grace has always been sufficient enough for all of us. We all have fallen short in some areas of our lives. We have done some things where we feel like we really let ourselves down. W have made mistakes. And unfortunately, we are going to continue to make mistakes in life. But that doesn't mean there is no hope for our lives and things can't be changed around. They can be changed. It may not, and honestly probably will not, happen in the instant that we want it but changes happen. I pray that you are turning to God to change it all around. God's love can help us overcome our past. We must look at the nature and role of God.

In 1 John 4:8,16 it says plainly that God is love. In Exodus 34:6 it says," And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." The Lord loves each and every one of us! His love will take us places. His love endures forever. His mercy endures forever. His love and mercy will endure with you forever if you stick with God forever, the way you want Him to stick with you. When you sin against God, does he turn His back on you? Never. When you make a mistake, does he hold it over your head forever? No. When you don't get what you want on your time, do you stick with God the way you want Him to stick with you? You better. Because God's love is so good and His love for us can really change our lives around. God wants us to be happy and at peace. God will move mountains for us because He loves us. Another part of God's nature is that He is personal. He knows our thought and knows our wants. That is exactly why our blessings don't always look like your neighbor's blessings. Another part of God's nature is that He is transcendent. He is not limited to anything and He knows that. You need to know that. Do not shackle the extent of His power, grace, and love. 

The role that I love the most that He plays for us is our Father. A father's role is to protect us from harm.  In Ephesians chapter 1, it talks about God the Father. First thing, He chose you! God wanted you. God will not turn His back on you. God's love for us won't even allow it. God is also described as a redeemer. He will redeem you from what ever it is that holds you and saddens you. God will turn it around. It says that he will work out our troubles in order for us to continue to hope in His son in who we find our salvation. God the spirit plays the role of ordering our steps! He will order your steps in the right direction. His love will never steer you wrong! Keep trusting God! Stick with God! Let Him order your steps. By no means does that mean you will have it easy but you will make it where you seek to go. You will see the depths of God's love because you willfully seek it. You will see the power of God's love through the change of your past. 

By the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain . . . —1 Corinthians 15:10

Lastly, believe in all of God's grace! All of it. His grace is sufficient. His grace is powerful. His grace has already done wonders for you thus far even if it seems a bit slow. You can never deny the impact of God in your life. God's blessings are all around us. God's blessings are impacting us day by day. If you focus on the blessings of God, even when you're going through a hard time, it will be easier for you not to give up or grow weary of making the way you need to make. When we feel broken, the grace of God is the glue that mends us together. God's grace toward you is never in vain. Never! He wants to make impacts on your life and hold you together to get where you want to be in your life. But, that won't come from a part-time faith or a lack of belief in the grace of God. To settle anytime, is basically saying that "God's grace is not for me and I have not been chosen." You may disagree but it's true.God's grace has no limits so why would you settle if you believe that? God said our faith can move mountains. We all know what a mountain is but God says we can command them to move! God is telling you to hope and believe in His grace over anything! You may see disappointment and some delay but you have to keep yourself rooted in faith. Believe His grace is sufficient for you. It has been before and nothing changes today...Be Blessed...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Speak Life. Speak His Promises to Us.

My encouragement to you this week is be a mouthpiece for God. Speak hope & power into the lives of others & your own. Be a vessel of love and encouragement. Pray for others & yourself with assurance. This part of being who God wants you to be! Speak to those obstacles instead of speaking about them!

Matthew 5:13-16 NIV

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

The part of this I want you to pay attention to is where it says " You are the salt of the earth." Let's think of salt. Any time you put salt on something, it changes it in some way. On snow, it evaporates it. On food, changes, changes the flavor. On a wound, makes it hurt but helps heal it. So salt changes things. What are you changing on this earth? I say be a mouthpiece for God. Are you doing that now? Who are you changing for the glory of God? We have to be models of encouragement and hope. We have to seek a life to inspire those who need inspiration.

We all have to be building each other up on the promises of God. AND we need to be building ourselves up on these same promises! We can't lose our saltiness. We can't afford to do that or we can never accomplish all of the great things God wants us to do. We speak such high hope for the life of others. Are they empty words when we can't do the same for ourselves? I fall into this trap. I fear my life won't shape up to be successful at times like how I envision but will turn around and try and talk another saint up. Faith doesn't work like that. Faith means we believe in the promises of God in all areas possible. For ourselves and for everyone around us. We have to be vessels of love and hope. Love to be there for one another. Hope to believe for the best in the best for one another when circumstance comes. But that love and hope begins within us when our faith is supremely rooted in God.

We must pray for one another with the assurance that God can do great things that will blow our mind away. We have to speak the life in others as we would want to be spoken to ourselves. We have to meet each other with compassion and understanding. Believe for another when the other person finds it difficult to muster hope. God's promises are definite. God's promises are firm. This is how we must be when we are being a mouthpiece of His promises. Affirming God gave us a promise and His word never fails. We speak at the obstacles of our own and those of others trusting that God's word is truth. God's word works. God's word never fails. I am still working on this myself. I have not got this all figured out yet myself but I know my mission for God. I know this is what God asks of me in Hebrews 13:1. I know God will equip me to be the mouthpiece for others as well as myself through our commitments to each other...Be Blessed...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Get up and Walk in Faith.

My encouragement to you this week is don't be afraid to fall pursuing your goals. You can always get up. You must get up! God won't quit on you ever so don't you ever do it to yourself! Don't walk in fear. Walk in faith of God's perfect plan for you!

Decisions, decisions, decisions. We all have to make decisions in life. And one of the hardest decisions ironically for many of us is whether we should get up after we fall. Sounds trivial and like an easy decision but it is actually one of the hardest decisions we have to make ever. When we fall, it hurts. Think when we are running and we fall. We have to get over the pain. Sometimes we have to get over the embarrassment of who saw me fall afterwards.

Those two obstacles get to us in life. Let's address the first one: The Pain. The pain of falling can seem unbearable at times. We all hate falling too. I hate it. That means I have lost my balance. We hate losing our balance in life. We like when we have that balance in life, naturally. We have this sense of peace because we get the balance of our life. But when that balance is taken from us, it hurts to fall. The next question, and yes it is question for some of us, do we try and get up? Or do we stay on the floor? Get up. That is always the answer. It is so easy to wanna stay where you are. Get up. You must get up. When you stay down, you have impeded profess. Period. You have to rise up. God didn't make you weak or put a spirit of weakness in you. He put more power in you than you can even imagine.

Don't walk in fear of falling again. It will hurt again but don't let fear stop you from anything! Fear is not made for you. Anytime you want to do something for yourself, it comes with challenges. The challenge may seem almost unbearable. But don't be fearful. Take the falls. Take the loss of peace and press forward with your goal in mind. Keep chasing God to get your goal. Don't stop until you are blessed and don't let go until you are blessed by God. Don't give up on God because He will never give up on you. Like the song says: "God is able to do just what He said He would do. He's gonna fulfill every promise to you." Sure enough God will. May take some time but God will. Rely on God. Not on man. It is good to struggle with others who will build you up in faith. But you rely on God to get you where you want to end up.

God has a plan for you. But quitting does not get you there. Fear will not get you there. Being afraid to fall again will not get you there.  It will happen. A baby takes months to learn to walk. They fall many times but they don't stop until they learn to walk. Like a baby, they have someone watching them as they walk to make sure they don't fall and hurt too badly. Think of God. The Father who is watching us as we walk to our goals. God the Father who watches us as we walk try to make sure our fall isn't to bad but understanding we have to fall to learn to walk correctly...Be Blessed...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Keep climbing! No more quitting!

My encouragement to you this week is to stop quitting on your journey because it's hard. Struggle and accomplish what you set out to do! Exercise faith! Faith releases confidence. If your faith is in God, be confident. He has shown up before and He will this time too!

When has it become OK to quit? And I am not talking about walking away from something that doesn't benefit you. There is truly a difference. Walking away can be made with a mindset of wisdom and humility. Quitting is just the refusal to go on further, most of the time, because of the struggle. We are all going to struggle. Did you know that? I won't lie, wen I accepted Christ as my personal Savior, I thought troubles would be far and between because of that. But when I look at the most prominent people in the Bible, they had to work for what they wanted! They were persecuted, thrown in prison, laughed at, cried, and were scared at times; but one of the reasons they were successful, they kept going with their tasks at hand. They had a goal in mind and never lost sight of their goal because of some trouble and hardship. Whereas a lot of us, myself included, are willing to throw in the towel because there is a struggle. Sometimes it really is one thing after another. Our foundations moved from under us. I get it. That is really tough to overlook. But we cannot quit at all. That is not the way to do it. Ever.

If our faith is in God, be confident. Be positive. You can't create a positive change with a negative mindset. All of those prominent people in the Bible remained positive and focused because they knew they could count on the Lord. Many of us pray for God to hold us together and work a major miracle but don't have a true confidence in our betterment. In Hebrews 10:23 it says,"  Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Unswervingly! We cannot keep going back and forth. Faith doesn't work that way. And its says, "He who promised is faithful" FAITHFUL. Faithful means: steadfast in affection or allegiance. God loves us and He has aligned Himself with us. He wants to see us be well. He wants to see us thrive even in the most difficult of situations! Be confident in God. Be confident in yourself. Be confident that no matter what is coming your way will not take your focus away. Struggle. Who likes to struggle right? No one likes to struggle. But sometimes you may just have to do that. Struggle and don't quit. Stop getting disenfranchised with the goal because it won't go exactly how you planned! God is in control. You had some setbacks. Guess what? God is in control.

My last point may sting a little bit but I am going to say it. Something to think about. If you say you have faith in God and His provisions for your life, who are you to quit and disrupt the plans of God? What gives you the right to quit if you have complete faith that God can turn it around in your favor? You may have to struggle but God never once promised His plans for you will come without a fight! Joshua had to fight many battle which were really life and death to see the Promised Land. David fought against a giant who killed many with some stones, a slingshot, and insurmountable faith! That sounds crazy but His faith moved Him forward because He believed God had a plan for His life. Saints, we all have to recall what God has brought us through before and think that He will get us through again. He made mountains move out of our way that we didn't have to climb; and some others we have to climb, fall, get us ap climb again. But the one glaring fact is that has always reigned true is God has always gotten us through! Think about that the next time you want to quit...Be Blessed...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

God is Peace. Peace That Works!!

My encouragement to you this week is to never let the promises or stability of the world replace the promises of God. God's promises can never be taken from you and never will. Place your faith in what works.

"Luke12.34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also"

This statement is so true. If you are placing your treasure and all your eggs in the world, then that is where your heart lies. This is a sad fact in the wrong way for a lot of people. What I mean is that we find a lot of peace and stability in things of this world. We find peace in our relationships with people, our possessions, our bank accounts, our status, etc. Things that the world has to offer us. These mean the world to us more than anything in the world. We have used these things to replace the promises of God as well. Yes, I said it. Sounds harsh but that's the reality. We believe in God for so much but we have in some ways used these things to be a deeper peace than what God can offer us.

What's the biggest difference between all of these things and the promises of God? You can lose all of these things except the promises of God! Relationships are lost all the time. Money, all the time. Status, all the time. But who can take away the calling that God has on your life? Who can stop the Will of God when He makes a declaration? Not one of us. So when God is saying that He has plans for us or that He promises to take care of us, why can't we take peace in that? If we believe in God and all the things about Him, why are we paying attention harder to our earthly possessions more than His word?

How many of us have lost a job for petty reasons? How many of us have been through breakups? How many of us have been broke before? Things or people we put our confidence in and taken from us. When they are, we can't get ourselves back on track! But the One who has been consistent to us still offers us peace if we turn to Him in fill faith. He can get us back what we lost. He has that ability! So why are we putting more confidence in the product than the one who gives it?? That doesn't make sense does it? When we wanted something as children with no money, we were happy to receive the product. But we knew what we wanted was dependant on if our parents gave it to us. They were the most important part of us getting what we wanted. Same with God. He is the most important aspect in getting the things that give us the peace we want. So where is your heart located? If you trust in God and all His promises you will find a peace that lasts. A peace that can't be taken from you. But if you permit your peace to come through what you have, all given by God, then you will never live a life of real peace.

God has shown Himself to you time and time again. Your peace should be found in what works. God works. God has always worked. The promises that you have benefitted from, so have others. God works for you and many others. Wake up. Stop complaining and start looking at what God has been doing for you and trust He can makes more things happen for you in your highs and lows...Be Blessed...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Endure and Be Successful

My encouragement for you this week is to be OK with your struggles because they weren't meant to last. Life will always have problems. God made you able to endure. Keep praying and FAITHFULLY work at your problems. You will always be successful!

I know that sounds insane to be OK with your sruggles but it is a necessity if you want to move forward. By no means am I saying to get used to it but stop stressing yourself insane. No struggle was meant to last. Ever. Your struggles were never made to carry on and on. Life will be full of problems. After you conquer one feat, in due time a new problem, big or small, shall rear its ugly head. Do not let yourself be discouraged to keep going forward and trying. Be OK with the struggle and start working hard on the solution soon.

God made you able to endure. You've survived the worst of times. God is always on your side. God will never leave you. But God made you strong. God made you able. God hasn't given you a spirit of weakness. God hasn't given you a spirit of defeat. God has been winning victories for you even before this problem or these problems surfaced. God made you strong. God made you able to take on those problems to leading up to your current trials and tribulations. You can and WILL endure and keep driving yourself forward. You have to do it. There are times we feel we are trying with no end on sight and no direction. It takes great faith to understand our efforts have an end are guided if we keep going. Stand on the word of God in His promises!

Keep praying on it. Place your burdens at His feet and let God have His way. You may feel tired all the time but stop groaning and start praying and acting. Groaning will do nothing for you. I promise you that all it will do is slow you down from the productive things you need to be doing. D. L. Moody said this: "Whatever your burden is that caused you to search for strength, give it up to him now. Do not let another minute go by without completely surrendering your burdens to Him. God wants to be your strength. Surrender to Him in your weakness and let Him show Himself strong. Remember if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it!" Don't go another minute with complaining and not giving it over to the One who can change it in our favor. This means FAITHFULLY working at your problem. Not, "I tried once or twice and nothing seems to work." NO. You are going to have to stick with a plan for solution. Stick with it and I know you will see success. Stick with God and you will never see defeat. You may lose a battle here and there but you will NEVER lose the war. Check God's resume in the Bible to those who remained faithful to Him if you don't believe me...Be Blessed...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Make the effort! Trust God to be a Success!

My encouragement to you this week is to put your goals into action. Nothing can be accomplished without sacrifice and effort. Trust God to make things happen and they surely will. Root your faith in God's promises for your prosperity. You can keep crying with no results. Or start trying waiting on the results.

Put some of those goals you have into action. The time is now to get to work on what you really want to happen for yourself. I have stressed this before to you all but this is something I feel can't be stressed enough because there are many of us who are still sitting in place. There are many of us who are sitting around waiting and waiting for some thing special to happen for us. We feel that one of these days something is going to turn it around in our favor. Let me tell you something. You will keep waiting forever if you are not making some type of effort for SOMETHING to happen. It is very, very,very, rare for things to happen without you doing anything. You know that! What you really want requires effort! It requires a try! It may require you failing initially until you get it right! It requires you to sacrifice to be successful. You can have most anything you want in life if you are willing to sacrifice what is necessary for it. Your time and effort are worth  the sacrifice to put your goals in action. Stop saying, "I want this"  or "I want that" but still doing the exact same thing which has proved unsuccessful! And if that is nothing, what do you expect? Put some action on that goal!

My next part of this to you is to trust God! Root some faith in God and His promises! I am telling you stand in the word of God! Jeremiah 29:11, it says, " I have plans for you. For your your welfare, not for disaster." Jeremiah 33:3 it says, " Call me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you don't know." Are we seeing in these two verses how God is saying that we can trust Him. He has no plans for our disaster, only what is best for us. Trust in God and He will take you places. He will take us places that to everyone else we have no business being. Get to know the word of God ad stop letting it go when hard times present themselves. If you do not stand i the word and promises of God when trials come, you will be taken over by your trials. Lets, look at the story of Daniel. Daniel was sentenced to death buy he world. Placed him in a Lion's den. Daniel stood on the promise of God in an almost impossible;e situation and look what He did for Daniel. Some of us may be thinking, well that was then and this is now. I'm not Daniel. You don't have to be Daniel! Be you. The same God Daniel turned to is the SAME God that you call today! The Lord always cares for us. the Lord always will be there for us. Stop sentencing yourself to death in your situation! Stop forgetting the Lord is near! Trust God to make things happen but He surely will do it for you!

Saints, it's OK to cry about what pains you. I promise you that it is OK to cry. Let it out. It's OK to feel. It is OK to be hurt. But saints, crying day after day with no action will keep you in those same tears. Crying with no action will only make it hurt worse as you see nothing is happening for you. I'm not trying to be harsh but this is true. I want you to understand this is a reality. therefore, I encourage you to start moving. I encourage you to trust God! Hold on to His promises! Get to work on what you want to see done. Please! If you work, you know you are going to get answer to what you have been working on. Initially, there may be push back. Stick with with it! God has not lied to you nor has He ever. Plans for your welfare, not for your disaster! Get to work! ...Be Blessed...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Make it Happen Now. God is With You!

My encouragement to you this week is to build on your potential and start making things happen now! No matter how much  life you have lived or haven't yet, start making things happen now. Don't be mad at the obstacles. Keep God with you and press forward. There is no failure in God!

There is no failure in God! I believe in this statement with my entire heart. Yes, I may fail at some things in this life but I know that if I keep with God, I will be successful no matter what life brings. So why am I still living in my tomorrow? Some may think I mean my promised future or something of the sorts. No. I mean how we are constantly putting something off that you know needs to be handled now. We all have so many dreams and hopes for our lives. We say things like, "If I had this" or "If I start on this". Well, why are we waiting? What are we waiting on? The reason we dream certain things for our lives because there is a 95% we already have the potential to make it happen. So I ask again, why am I still living in my tomorrow?

We all have too much of a tendency to put things off that can really affect our lives in such a positive way. Maybe it is because we are afraid to fail. Maybe because we don't believe in ourselves. Maybe because we think our window will never close on us. Let me start on the window. The window is definitely closing on us when we keep putting things off. Because the older we get, the less inspired we become when we let all of our other situations cloud our minds and pull our attention on them. Then when you look up, you have shut the window on yourself because we may feel that our life now has too much of a grip on us that we can't get to it anymore. And sometimes that is really the case. Then there are times we don't believe in ourselves. That is such an agent of the devil. Doubting yourself to make sure that you become your greatest enemy. You lose all belief that you can change. You begin to denigrate yourself. You call yourself things that you shouldn't at times. Then that can really lead to a fear of failure. Like, this failure will destroy your whole world.

Enough. First off, start telling yourself that you can do this. God has given us certain gifts. God has made us able to do things no matter what we are going through. Start telling yourself all the right things. I know some of you may be telling yourself it's harder than it seems but you have to try. Right? How can you know what God can do for you and how great you are until you start trying? We all have a lot of potential in us! We have all have so may good things that we can use to start making things happen now! And now is the time to start making them happen! We can do this. There is greatness in all of us that we can build on to make some great things happen for us. We have to start moving towards those goals immediately. And hold on tight for the obstacles. When in life have we just gotten easily the things that we desire the most? We had to struggle at times. Some goals we struggled harder for than other goals. So don't be mad at the obstacles. Don't dare get discouraged into submission to where we give up on our potential. Stick with God and God will keep you. I didn't say He will keep you away from the struggles and storms but He will be with you the whole way until you make your way out. God will keep you and make sure that you will be successful. There is no failure in God. Stick with God and let Him show you why is that such a great decision. Press forward. Please don't quit. You have potential to be great and I know that you can do it. We all can do it. God won't let you fail. If you fail, God won't get the glory AND others can't see the glory of God through us. So again, God won't let us fail. BUT above all of that. God loves us SO MUCH. His love for us will move the mountains of our lives! His love for us undeniable! God sacrificed His son for us. What won't He sacrifice for you? What will he not do for you? Our God is awesome and He will always be there for us...Be Blessed...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Work on Your Salvation!

My encouragement to you this week is to actively work on your salvation. Submit to God's purpose for your life. Be obedient to His word. Rely on God. Let others see God through you and through your active service to God's kingdom.

Your salvation will not find you. Your salvation is nothing guaranteed to you from birth. Your salvation is nothing owed to you. Our salvation is something to be sought. Our salvation is something to be treasured. Our salvation is something we live in everyday. Our salvation is only attained when we accept Christ in our heart as our one and only savior. But after we get this beautiful and wonderful gift, what do we do with it? Do we just walk around and go about our lives like we can cash in this salvation whenever we need it? Saints, we have to be working on our salvation daily. Yes, we got a free gift from God but this is a gift we cannot take for granted. We have work to do. Not here and there. Daily.

Saints, there is one thing in life that we a re too good at and it is sinning. We do it without thinking about it sometimes. Sin hurts us and causes more than enough problems in our lives. Sin results in separation from God, both in this life and the next. God is good, perfect, and just, and so sin by its nature prevents a right relationship with God. Therefore sinners cannot enjoy the full benefits of knowing God in this life, such as peace, comfort and help in times of trouble.But we have hope in our salvation. We have been given an alternative from separation from God. Salvation gives us comfort because we can turn to God and ask for forgiveness and for Him to help us with our sin. He will remember our sins no more but salvation calls for you to actively work at your sin so that we can feel peace. Sin takes away peace from our lives. The salvation we get through our faith needs to be fostered in us daily.

But I tell you saints, we have to be obedient to His word to really grow our salvation and to ensure we can be recognized by God when our last breath is taken and we stand for judgment. I don't mean following rules solely. We have to grow a relationship with God. When we truly realize that we can trust God to be all of our help we should want to obey Him because we know that there is so much to gain. I don't mean selfish gain either. Just to have peace from following the word of God and listening is something all of us would pay millions for us to keep! But we have to actively get to work! "The moment the sinner believes in Christ, he stands in the sight of God uncondemned; for the righteousness of Christ is his: Christ's perfect obedience is imputed to him." Look, we will never be perfect. But the point is following Jesus' example of the way He lived His life to serve God and others. Are you doing that? Are you looking to serve God and others? We should be looking for that. Christ is our hope and our refuge. His righteousness is imputed  to the obedient. DO NOT be discouraged by the high level of the standard. The measure of the sacrifice is the guarantee of the power of God to save to the uttermost. The repentant receive the blessing of Christ's righteousness which bears fruit in obedience to the commandments. God just wants a heart that is willing to earnestly try and obey His will and work for Him!

As we are obeying His word others need to be able to see God through you. This may sound like pressure but don't let it be that. If you are really living for Christ, I promise you being an example to someone will just happen. They will see God through what you do naturally. That's all. But people have to see a difference in you than the world. That is really important for others to see the difference in you and those who don't know God. They possibly can know God through you. Don't be scared of that. Be happy that we can introduce another to the peace that we feel from serving our God..Be Blessed...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Draw Me Close..

My encouragement to you this week is to work to draw closer to God. We ask so much from God but it's important to have a relationship with God. Let God recognize who you are by drawing closer to God every day! God will always be faithful to those who are faithful to Him.

Into your arms, I'm drawing near again, To dwell with you is my only heart's desire. Draw me close, closer than before, closer than I ever been. 

These are lyrics from William McDowell from His song Closer/Wrap Me in Your Arms. The lyrics in the song say exactly where our hearts should be directed. We should all want to dwell with God. No, I don't mean in the after life but to dwell in His spirit. Feeling that closeness to God. Knowing that He is near. We must make effort to be with God daily. Work to draw closer to God. I don't mean make some great effort but simply giving God some time. Wake up fifteen minutes earlier maybe and pray. Take 5 minutes some time in the day to thank and praise God. Open the Bible maybe before the day and at night. The little things you can do to draw closer to God. It doesn't take a crazy effort but it is a necessary thing to do. Drawing close to God gives us so much hope for our troubles. We know that our faithfulness to Him will NEVER be in vain. Not that God is a genie. But even the peace in a tough situation that is not getting better is something we can thank God for and understand better when we draw close to God.

We always are asking so much from God. We always want God to work on our behalf and that is great. But is God our first and last choice? Or just a last resort? God should always be our first and last choice. Period. But as I said, we keep looking to ask God for something. We have wants and needs from God. And God knows that. he is our source of happiness. But I tell you that it is important you get to know God. You have get to know who God is and who He is to you. Have a real relationship with God. Inform yourself of who He is through prayer and reading the word. Next put what you learn in application. If you have to learn to forgive because God forgives, do it. Learn it now. Lastly, get intimate with God. Pray and pray some more

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Purpose! Let God Move Yours

My encouragement to you this week is to live each day with purpose! Live with goals in mind, passion in your heart. Give God your plans and strive to them. Don't let obstacles allow you to quit. Or you'll never see God's faithfulness work for you. You are chosen. You are special. Get what's yours!

Live with some purpose. What is the definition of purpose? 1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made,used,etc. 2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.  So what is your aim or desired result for yourself today? This week? This year? What do you want to see change for yourself? What gives your purpose to exist? We have to own these things! Have a goal in mind daily that you want to see accomplished. Be proactive about it. Place some passion into this goal. If you want to see your deepest desires come into fruition, you are going to have to sweat! And be OK with that. Be OK with having to work hard. Be OK with being that much closer to your goal.

Please make sure you give God your plans! Tell God what you want no matter how absurd it may sound to the world. Give it to God and He will give you the direction you need. He will open doors that no man can shut. He will make a way. He is a keeper! He is the keeper that will never fail you. Give your plans to God! Give God all of the glory! Give Him the praise because He will come through!! Keep praying. Don't let yourself be discouraged by obstacles. Those are going to happen. Period. There will be all types of obstacles to impede you and tell you that you are a fool for praying and believing something will change. DON'T GIVE UP. Quitting is for people who don't understand God will get you through. Job lost everything in days! Still knew not to quit on God. You don't either. Obstacles will come. It really sucks too. I know because it happens to me but I know God is amazing! Trust in God and keep heading forward to your goal!

You are Chosen by God. God wanted you. God wants you to be happy. God wants you to be successful. God wants you to experience peace. You are special to God. That doesn't mean that you'll have an easy route there but I promise you'll get there. Get what's yours! Get what you came for. Don't let yourself be beaten into submission. You will cry, sweat, hurt but you will get there. Live with purpose. Move with some passion in your heart. Push yourself..Be Blessed..

Thursday, June 14, 2012

God's Strength, Your Strength....Victory!

My encouragement to you this week is to let God push and build the strength within you. You have the power to overcome a lot! Push yourself. Ask God to use your strength and add His strength. Keep praying and never stop going! You will struggle but you have the strength to overcome.

"My God is so big, so strong and so mighty. There's nothing. my God cannot do" This was part of one of the first songs I ever learned as a child in church. It was just a song to me then and now as I reflect on it, it is a message I realize more and more each day. My God is big, mighty, and strong. He has strong shoulders that can carry any load that I am putting on Him! I trust God to carry my burdens. i trust God to be all of my strength and all of my help. But do I trust the strength inside me? I know that my strength does not parallel God, but there is a strength in me that God put there! I am not weak. Through Him who lives in me there is great strength! There is great strength in me! There is great strength in all of us! We are chosen by God to be made for struggle.

God has placed some strength in all of us that we don't realize until it is really time to put it to work! There are some of us who feel like we are incapable of so much on our own. That is not true. Yes, we turn to God but God put a strength  and ability in all of us! Not in some people. You think that you have to run to others to always get you through but God didn't design you to always look to other's strength! He put something in you! Use what God has put in you. You have the strength and power to overcome so much if you are willing to try. Push yourself! How will you know what you are capable of doing when you are always placing limits on yourself? How can you know that God is with you and will help you when you are always quitting at the first sign of trouble? Find your strength in the Lord! Remember God does not fail! God will not use this opportunity to fail you. Draw your strength from knowing that God is not a failure! There has never been a fight God has lost!

Ask God for His strength to add on to yours. Believe me, I know it can get so hard to be in good spirits in the midst of trial. Just trying to be in good spirits can be so draining. It can be so physically exhausting. It can be so emotionally exhausting. Crying all the time. The pain never stops. Please Saint, hold on! God is going to pull you through. Push yourself as tiring as it's already been. Do it! You have to win this fight. You cannot afford to lose. Find the strength in you Saint! Ask God to be all your strength when yours runs faint. God is going to handle it. Keep praying about it! Get on your knees and cry out to God. God will listen. He will not turn His face from you! This will be a struggle but you can handle it. You can do it! You have the greatest help you will ever need. Use God! Dig deep and get the strength in you!..Be Blessed..

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

God Won't Fail You!

My encouragement to you this week is remain encouraged no matter how it looks until your miracle arrives!  Don't you dare lose hope in God. God has never failed you and He isn't going to now! It hurts but trust He will step in on time. He will keep His promises to you. KEEP PRAYING and KEEP TRYING! God will make a way!

Your miracle is on the way! Your day of peace is on its way. I know what it feels like. I know the thoughts that go through all of our heads. I have bee so discouraged again, again, and again about some thing that hasn't happened for me yet. I think the thoughts like, " what happened to my life?' "This is it for me. I'm not going to make it through this. "Maybe this is what my life will always be like." THEN after I come out of my troubles, I ask myself, "How in the heck did I start doubting God's power and God's promises for me?" God has NEVER failed me! God will never fail me! What ever I am going through now, God won't fail me on this one! Some of us have been dealing with the pain for weeks, months, and year but BUT I am telling you DO  NOT give up! You had better not!

   I lift up my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from? (Psalm 121:1-2)

 God is all of our help! We have all suffered setbacks in our lives. In this time of uncertainty,  our personal struggles can bring fear and doubt into our lives.  It is hard enough to survive much less have any hope for the future. But God is our help! All of our help hat we will ever need. God's promises are real. Marianne Lord says this, "God always has  a plan.  For believers, whether you are experiencing a time of peace in your life or enduring the heat of a painful struggle, you have the assurance of knowing that all things are being directed by the hand of God.  When it seems as though you are being defeated, it just means that your victory is near.  There is nothing to fear in any battle  for the war of life has already been won at the cross!  Never surrender to him what Christ has paid a price to give you!" I know it hurts. The pain may seem almost unbearable. But please hold on to you faith. If you are willing to struggle and endure, this means you are willing to be saved! Tears will be shed. Days of pains will happen. But I promise you God will give you a little something daily if you are willing to hang on to him. God is working on it. Open your heart to see God work. Your battles are not yours to fight when you surrender them to Christ.  Whatever valley of despair you may be in right now, remember that it is not your permanent location. This won't always be your life! Things will change! Yes, it's been a long time but this won't be your forever! God promises you that!

Isaiah 58:11  The LORD will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.

You must keep trying to get your life together. God is a powerful Savior and He can turn it around in a second. But I ask you to get trying. You will have setback after setback. Yes, I said it. I am not going to lie to you. It will happen maybe once or a few times. You have to keep a positive attitude.  People with positive attitudes see setbacks for what they really are. When you have a setback, it’s not a brick wall that must be climbed. You’ve merely met a gate; it may delay you for a second, but if you open that gate and move through it, you’ll soon be on your way. Believe in God and I promise you, though yo may struggle, you'll get there. Next thing, get a plan for what you want to happen for yourself. How can you want a victory but not have a clue to get your victory? Sometimes it is out your hands but you have an idea of what you want your life to be. Even if your plan is only prayer because that's all you can do, have a plan! But for some of us who aren't willing to take control, you have got to get off your butt! Yes, God's plan will be the plan that happens at the end but present what you want and how you plan to get there and let God order your steps. Lastly, believe in yourself. Believe in the power of God. But push yourself. Please push. Believe in yourself that this will happen for you! This is going to happen. Pray!Pray! Pray! Believe in God! Believe in you! God won't fail you! Be Blessed!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

God Has a Second Chance for You

My encouragement to you this week is to trust God gives second chances! He will never let you be bound by your mistakes. Call to God! He welcomes anyone who is looking for help, no matter how desperate the trouble! God can change it!

In Nahum chapter 1, it says, " God is good, a hiding place in tough times. He recognizes and welcomes anyone looking for help, No matter how desperate the trouble." So in my encouragement, I am using words given from the Bible. In this book from verse 1-10, it's telling us that God is serious business. God is to be taken seriously and take at His word. I'm seriously telling you that the Lord is full of grace. The Lord is forgiving. The Lord is very kind and very gentle. We have messed up and have asked God to help us over and over again/ We have failed at something and even right now are begging God to give us a second chance. God will do it! I'm not saying live your life to mess up and God always clean up after you but in this life we will make mistakes. That is a part of life that we will not avoid. Some mistakes can be small, while some feels like the earth has literally moved for you. God will help with both mistakes. No problem. He is a God of much grace and much forgiveness. He won't let you be bound by your mistakes. If so, how will He get the glory out of your life? I'm not saying He is just going to fix it right away either. It may take some time BUT He will do EVERYTHING that He has promised! He promised to take care of you and second chance falls under that. Maybe you've failed at something in life, and you think that dream is lost. I can tell you, though, from my own experience, that we serve the God of second chances. Whether it's marriage, a job, a relationship, health, emotions, or your finances, God hasn't given up on you. He wants to heal you, make you right, and guide you into the purpose He has for your life. If you're obedient, God will give you every tool and circumstance you need to accomplish it.

My next point to you is to never sell God short! I said it last week in my encouragement, don't put limits on God. He can do much more that we can!  We all tend to expect too little from God. We tend to imagine that he's angry with us, that he carries a grudge and refuses to give us a second chance. That's not the God of the Bible, and that's certainly not Jesus .Jesus continually reached out to people like you and me, people who need a second chance. Some had enough faith to receive it. Will you accept the second chance that God is offering you today? See God realistically. See him mending your disappointment. See him running out to meet you, to give you another chance. Your life isn't wrecked for good. The most loving, powerful being in the universe wants to heal it, and he DOES have the power and creativity to do just that.Will you trust Him to do that? Will you allow God to do what He said He would do for you? Will you let God be God?

God can change it. God can change anything that you allow God to change. But on your part, obedience is a must! You have a job to do as well. You want God to give you a second chance, but are you working to your second chance? Are you still doing the exact same thing that leaves you feeling like your progress is in cement? You have got to push forward and you have to remain obedient! Let's look at the life of Paul. Paul persecuted Christians. Paul was known for His malice he used to spread to Christians. What did God do with Him? God used Him! Paul was willing to push past his own heinous past and be obedient to God. To this day, Paul is hands down one of the most influential persons in history. God uses those who allow themselves to be used. God will give people another chance! God will give YOU another chance! Call Him!! Remain patient!! Be obedient! Hold yourself to a high standard! While getting this second chance, this is NOT THE TIME TO START SETTLING!!! You work towards the life you want when you come out of this now! Don't say,  "when I come out of this." Start on your life now while Gd is pulling you out. When you come out, enjoy and celebrate God for what He has helped you work towards...Be Blessed...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

God Has No Limits!! He Can!

My encouragement to you this week is to stop placing limits on the power of God. You may not be able to do it but He can! Don't limit His impact in your life. He can turn around ANY situation if you're ready to trust Him totally as THEE awesome Provider. You just let God be God.

Here are few facts: God is omniscient. God is omnipresent. God is omnipotent. All that boils down to is God is greater than us! That is a fact of the matter. With knowing this REALITY, stop placing limits on God. Just because you have tried and tried and failed, that is no reason to place any limits on God. If you understand that God is greater than all of our efforts combined, then don't categorize God to be a God of limits. God can really blow your mind when you let God be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. God can impact your life in such a way that you won't even believe. Look what He has done for you now and realize that He is working on your life so much. Look at how many pits that He has taken your from. When you were ready to quit, God wasn't going to let you quit! God can impact your life in a major way! You have to make sure you are not limiting His impact in your life by claiming your situation hopeless, to the point where you render God as ordinary. There is nothing ordinary about God. Nothing is too hard for God. No task is too big. He does not get weary or discouraged. No matter what you might be facing, God can help you. Nothing is too hard for Him. No need is to great for him to meet. No problem is to complicated for Him to solve. No prayer is too difficult for Him to answer.

Trust Him as THEE awesome Provider. God is a great Provider for those who call on Him. He is able. He will save you. Only trust Him and you will see Him show up. Come to the Lord. Come to Him with a heart open to receive what God has for you. Ephesians 3:20 says, " Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." So it says right there that He can blow our minds. He can do what we can't even fathom. But that is going to come from a heart that is open and ready to trust. Trust God as a great Provider.

Let God be God. Let God act on your behalf. Let God be your deliverer. Your Healer. Your Protector. Your Strength. Your EVERYTHING. Let God be all that He has made Himself to be to you and everyone! Remember you are not ordinary. God has a calling on your life. God chose you! Be Blessed!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Go Through It! God Is With You!

My encouragement to you this week is to stop trying to go around something that God has called you to go through! I know it's hard. You have to go through it. You're going to make it! Believe in God's saving hand. Remember, you're not ordinary! God chose you! Don't quit on yourself and don't quit on God.

Many of us, we are trying to find ways to get out of our circumstances and go around them at all costs. We try to foolishly ignore them like they will go away or try to minimize them. Or we go around trying so hard to pretend like it's all together and nothing is the matter. at all costs, hiding our problems from even those who love us most. Saint, you have ti go through this situation whatever it is that is hurting you so much. And I know you ate it. I know it is bringing more pain to your life than at times you can handle. I know it hurts. I AM RIGHT THERE WITH YOU!!! I won't soapbox about me but trust me, I know what it means to hurt and suffer on the inside with no one knowing. I am ready to run from my troubles too but I know that is not what God wants me to do. I know this may get extreme but did Jesus run from the cross? I know you may think, " I am not Jesus." Fair. And I am not asking you to be either. But remember He knew going through pain would have a great result afterwards. The same is going to happen with you if you are willing to submit and let God work.

I promise you that you are going to make it. I promise you that you will not fail at this. God does not benefit at all from letting you fail when you are calling on His name and His help. You just keep going through. I promise you that you will be successful. I promise you that You are going to make it through this trial just like you hav made it through your other one trials. This may even be the biggest trial of your life thus far so the magnitude of it may seem so overwhelming. It may feel like this one is going to be the one that's finally going to make you lose it. Hold it together and keep going. You keep pushing yourself until you make it. Believe in the saving hand of God. What can our God not save us from?? He will empower you. He will renew your strength. He will make you successful. Read Is. 40:29 and read the promise of God. Believe that God will save you! He tells you cast these burden on Him in 1 Peter 5:7. He is going to sustain you! 

You are no ordinary person! You have been chosen by God! He will not let you fail at this! You have to remember who you serve and that He that lives in YOU is greater than that of the world. That is a fact. Don't quit on yourself in your hard times. God can release you rom these hard times. Let God break those chains in your mind and you press forward! God is more powerful than any problem that we are going through and you are strong enough to make it. Please don't quit right now guys. I know it's getting harder and harder to deal with the problem. But please don't quit. You will make it! God is on control so trust me: IT WILL WORK FOR YOUR GOOD!!...Be Blessed...

Monday, April 23, 2012

There is Something Special About You..!!

My encouragement to you this week is to remember you are no ordinary person. You have been chosen by God to be special! God has plans for you. Trials will come. You will endure then flourish! God will complete the work He began in you. He will never fail a special person like you!

What does it mean to be ordinary? Ordinary means: plain or undistinguished; of no special quality or interest; commonplace; unexceptional. Is that what we are to think when we see you? Plain? Unexceptional? Is that how you think of yourself? Do you feel that there is nothing that makes you special? I pray that this isn't the case. But if you do feel this way, cease and desist. Stop that way of thinking immediately. You are very special. No matter what, you are special. You always will be special. 

Some people may think" yeah, yeah God loves me, but he loves everyone. To him I’m just one of millions of Christians. God has his favorites and I’m not one of them." We may think we are being humble thinking this way. But what we're really doing was accusing God of imperfect love. That isn't of God. God's love is perfect in every way possible. You have been chosen by God and God has very special plans for you. He wants to see you thrive into a special person. He wants the glory out of your life so God won't fail you. 

We have to hang on to God. Trust God has a very special plan for you. Some of us are enduring the worst times of our lives right now. There are days, more recently even with God blessing me, I want to quit. I get very frustrated with my life. I look up to Heaven and ask God "Can I come home?" I know I'm being very candid with you now but I want you to know that we are all facing trials, even the author of the encouragement lol. But I know God will never leave me! He noticed me even when I felt invisible. When unspeakable pain gripped me, God gripped harder. When I had no fight left, He fought for me.  When I felt un-lovable, He showered His love upon me. This is the God that I serve! Trials will come. Endure with God and know that you are made of something special! You have been through trial before! God pulled you through then and He will now! Because you are made of something greater than what is causing you pain! 

God will complete what He began in you. He says it in Philippians 1:6, For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."  Paul writes this. I love how He starts, I AM CONFIDENT. How confident are you in God? Do you trust with your head or heart? Use your heart. Think about what God has done before and trust God to keep you ALL the days of your life. God will never fail a special person like you! There is something special about you and God wants to grow it and use it for His glory! God wants all of you to show that those who trust in Him, He will keep them! My encouragement to you, remember you are special! So special!..Be Blessed...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Take God at His Word! God Keeps a Promise!

My encouragement to you this week is to take God at His word. If He said He will be whatever you need Him to be, trust God to do that. You are NOT exempt from His blessings. God needs a heart that is ready to believe God is able to do what He said He will do at all times!

"God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?" (Numbers 29:13) Read that. Marinate on that. Wrap your mind around this verse. God won't lie to us! God will not let us down in any sense. If you truly believe in the words of this verse, then my plea to you is to take God at His word. Believe that every word spoken out of the mouth of God is a fact! That is exactly what every word spoken by word is: Fact! Or even better TRUTH! God tells us that He will fulfill a promise to us and that He will do!
What are some of the promises of God? Let me run through a few for you. In Jeremiah 29:11, He promises us to give us a future and hope. In Matthew 11:28-29, He promises to give us rest when we are weary and burdened. In Philippians 4:19, He promises to supply ALL of our needs. In Romans, 10:9, He promises to forgive us for all our sins if we confess. Lastly, in Romans 8:37-39, He promises to give us victory through Christ! The question I have for you, are you brave and trusting enough to take God at His word? Can you trust God to provide everything that we need in this life? Can you trust God at His word? God said He will be whatever we need Him to be for us and that was not a lie. The verses I illustrated are words from God. Trust God to come through on His promises to you. God will not let you down!
I know some of us are reading this and we are saying to ourselves, "I want to believe but it's so hard. My life has been so bad. Things are not working out the way that I thought they would." You are not exempt from His blessing. God is going to bring you out. God's amazing will bring you out. Listen to me, take God at His word. God will come through. I am sure that it has been hard but no matter what, take God at His word. Live like you are. Don't hedge your bet. Be all in! If you say, "I trust God", you have a RESPONSIBILITY to live in such a manner. I'm not saying you won't be hurt, disappointed, or get angry but you do have to keep your faith at all times. Exemplify your faith. Not just when you get a moment of relief, or a little good news in your situation. Don't wait for a breakthrough to say "I know God is with me." God is always with you. And if you know that, don't start doubting that your life will change. Look at those verses. Believe in what God said!
Saints, another thing we have to do is go after what we want. We can't keep talking about the aspirations for our life and how we want God to change things without working for it. James 2:14-18 says, "14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. 18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.”   Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. If we have faith, go chase what you are after. If you want God to establish the work of your hands, give God something to establish. Get to work on what means the world to you. "May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us--yes, establish the work of our hands." (Psalm 90:17) God will grant us favor. turn to Him. Seek Him and believe in Him. Work for your desires and watch God establish all that He PROMISED He said He would! Ready your heart. Ready your intentions. Ready yourself for God to blow your mind. Your responsibility now is to line up our faith and actions. Keep praying. Keep pressing. Keep moving. Keep trusting. God will keep a Promise!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Get Your Peace!

My encouragement to you this week is to seek peace for your life. You may have to forgive another who has wronged you. Or forgive yourself for your mistakes. You may have to let something or someone go. But seek peace no matter what it costs you! You need it!

"Dedicate yourself to the good you deserve and desire for yourself. Give yourself peace of mind. You deserve to be happy. You deserve delight. Hannah Arendt "

These words ring very true. I love this quote. The last two lines especially. " You deserve to be happy. You deserve delight." That is the truth you deserve peace for yourself in all areas of your life. You have to dedicate yourself to that though. You have to work through all of your troubles. I guarantee you that you will see some.trouble on your way to peace. You can't understand and appreciate peace until you have been through some turmoil so expect it! Some battles last longer than what you want BUT you dedicate yourself to the peace you deserve.

You can't expect peace to find it if you are not even seeking it. You have to seek peace in your life understanding the power it has. It's freedom. Freedom of some pain, disappointments, and hangups. That is very important. It may come from.forgiveness of self for some of the things you have done which have caused you pain or still are. You can't bombard yourself with criticisms and bad remarks. We are human. Things will happen. Ask yourself, " Do I really want to move on?" Think how important it is to make sure you move forward for your peace of mind. I'll answer that for you: IT IS IMPORTANT! It is crucial. How can you get the most out of life with no peace? You can't. But you must dedicate yourself to the good of this purpose. So it may mean forgiving another person who has hurt you. Do it. Don't walk around angry or hurt. Do it immediately. It's important for your mind, day, and interactions with others.

Peace may costs you a lot as well but you would be wise to do what you have to do. It may take some hard decision making. But do it. We all get scared to do that at times but I'm telling you to do it. From letting anger or people go. Just being brave enough to realize that something will take you out so you have to make a hard decision soon. I pray you are willing to sacrifice for your peace. Seek peace at all times for yourself. Pray on it. PRAY on it! You'll get the right answer. I promise you...Be Blessed...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Challenge Yourself to Be Positive!!

My encouragement to you this week is to NOT let yourself be a casualty to your negative thoughts. Challenge your mind & your heart to believe in the best for your life. Pray for strength. Keep encouraging yourself, knowing God will come through for you! Decide to live expecting the best for yourself AT ALL TIMES no matter what obstacles are before you!
Don't let your mind make you go CRAZY! Don't let your mind be a great weapon formed against BY YOURSELF. You cannot become a casualty to negative thoughts. To thoughts that tell you: "I can't do this",  "I'm too weak", "I should just give up." Why do that? Why? You are only hurting yourself more and more. Stressing yourself to a point past your control. Challenge your mind and heart to see that hope still lives. There is a way for you. You have power. Sometimes your hands are tied but the hands of the Lord aren't. He can do things for you that will blow your mind. God can blow your mind when you allow God to be God and carry your faith on your sleeve. Wear your faith proudly remembering you CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Not possibly can do or might do, CAN do. You need to pray and believe that all the plans you have for yourself are going to happen. It may not happen as soon as you want it so pray for strength. Strength to hold your mind together. Strength to be patient. Strength to move forward no matter what. You have to call God on your side. You have to embrace God to be what you need Him to be for you. You have to hold on to your hope just as much to a higher extreme as your faith. It's one thing to believe in God but it's another to trust Him and EXPECT Him to work things out for you and to let your life show that you trust Him.
Start living and expecting the best for yourself. Too many times we are better at expecting the worst outcomes rather than the best outcomes for ourselves, even those of us who say "I trust God." Ask yourself, "If I trust God, why can't I see that He wants me to live in happiness?" "If I trust God, why do I believe in the most negative aspects of my life than the hope of God coming through?" We cannot live a contradiction. I don't write these words to call you a hypocrite or anything like that. I write them solely because WE all have to evaluate ourselves and make sure we are doing our best to stay focused on the best for ourselves. Live expecting God to come through. Live expecting a great thing to happen for us in a major way. But we have to confront our obstacles and choose to remain positive. Choose that! Read inspiration daily. Meditate on it. That goes from the Bible to just great words. But you decide to live! Be blessed...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Best You Possible!

My encouragement to you this week is to devote yourself daily to becoming to the greatest you possible! Push through your pain, work on your shortcomings, and build on the best things about you. Pray on it. Ask God for His help to make it a reality. But every day: Be a Better You!
This is one of my many mottoes I have for myself ,"Always be better today than who or what you were yesterday." This is a motto I would hope that everyone in some form or fashion has for themselves as well. Everyday we should be learning. Everyday we should be growing as a person. Everyday our wisdom should be increasing. We have to devote our self to being a great person everyday in life filled with so many obstacles. I know that it is tough but we must do our best any way because that is what will help us grow in character, in endurance, and in faith in God and self. And faith in yourself is very, very important. Faith in God is highly important. We need both of these to get past our obstacles which hold us back from being great.
You have to push through your pain as well. I know this can be such a hard feat for a lot of us when the pain feels like it is so surmounting and it is that bad. The pain very well may be that bad as well. I'm by no means saying it's just an issue in the mind. It can get rough! I know that first hand that it can. But you have to push past your pain in order to get the best our your life. You have to. That means also to start working on your shortcomings. You have to work on those things that you know you can get better at to aid you in being your best. To be the best you possible we have to progress daily in order to actualize all that we want to be in life. So progress is daily and daily we all can be a bit better. Then we have some great things about us already there. Cultivate those gifts and build on them. We have to build on those great little things about us that make us great. Don't even think for a second there is nothing special about you. We all have been blessed in some way and you have been too! Build on the good things about you. Build on the nice traits about you. You so much there to value about yourself. Harness and build on those great things to make you so much better for everyone else. 
In all of these things, take them to God in prayer. Trust me God can make everything you want to get better into a reality because He is just that faithful and that good to us. God wants us to be great in our lives. He knows that pain WILL happen. It will. But God promised to be faithful and pull us through and lift is up into something special. We have to work everyday at it and pray on it. It will happen if we continue to work at it. I promise you. If you are willing to struggle, than you are willing to be successful...Be Blessed...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

You can because God said You can..

My encouragement to you is NEVER allow your vision and purpose for your life to be dictated by adversity.  Keep believing in yourself. Keep believing God is able. Take advantage of the power we have in Jesus. Keep working. Keep praying. You will be victorious!
Please never allow anything to compromise your vision and purpose. Let me tell you on bit of advice in life in case you didn't know: Life is filled with problems! Life is filled with them and they will always be that way. Of course we will have moments of peace. Complete and great peace. God-given peace. But what about when that peace is shaken? What do you do? You sit and wallow and disappointment? Maybe for a little while. I do at times, can't lie. But I have to get up. You have to get up. Get all the way up and not let disappointment and problems dictate how you live your life!
Know that God is on your side. He wants you to be successful. He won't allow you to fail if you are willing to keep going and trust in God. You can do it. By God's grace, we can do whatever we need to do in life. I think that's a mindset we need to have. There's nothing that's too much for you if you're trusting God. You can handle whatever comes your way because God promises that He'll never put more on us than we can bear and deal with. Keep a positive attitude no matter where you are right now, no matter what's going on in your life.
You have got to keep working. You have got to keep pressing so that you can see you can be successful. You have to keep going to see that God is always present near you. Keep praying so that you can truly feel the hand of God in place. Keep praying to stay empowered by the peace of knowing God is about to get you through this one way or another. But you have to keep going so that you can reap what you sow, God can get the glory from your life, and you can be a testimony to yourself and others. You will be victorious in this fight. As exhausting and painful as the battle is, don't you think to stop going for your purpose in life. Don't you stop seeing the vision for your life. Trials cannot dictate you nor should they. They definitely can make you sad but they WILL NOT take you out if you are willing to push and lean on the saving hand of God. You are capable!...Be Blessed...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fight. Pray. Believe.

My encouragement to you is to TRUST God will never leave us so FIGHT the good fight of faith. Our circumstances will tell us to have no hope in God or in ourselves. Trust in God. Believe in yourself.You are powerful, not helpless! Stay in PRAYER. Believe that God is able in EVERYTHING.

Fight the good fight of faith. Yes, I said fight. Because for some of us that's exactly what it is. And most of the time the opponent is ourselves. Sadly. We are fighting with our mind half of the time not totally trusting God. Saying all the right things to others but our words mean very little to ourselves. Saints, you are going to have to fight. You have to push yourself to trust God and believe that His grace and mercy are everlasting. They endure forever. Why does God always have to prove to us His existence? How many times must God reveal himself to us for us to think, " God that wasn't good enough." You may not say it like that but check if your actions don't reflect that. There is a good fight of faith we have to fight to ALWAYS believe in God and what He can do for us despite what the circumstance is for us. God says he will show up at all times and He will if we trust God to be God. Don't tempt God into acting faster for us. No! God always steps in on time. Always. Be faithful. Look over your life and you know you have all reason to trust God. He has shown up again and again and again. Just for you.
Don't let your circumstances tell you that your situation is a lost cause. Trust you aren't the only one to have been in a tough spot before. God has pulled through A LOT of people before your time, during your time, and will continue after you leave this earth. Don't let your hard times dictate your faith. You have to be all in all the time. When you feel the weight on you, recall the burdens He has lifted and immediately start thanking Him for that. Immediately. It will help you realize, if the Lord has heard you before, He is still listening to you now. Don't let a thing about your problem influence you to quit on yourself or quit on the Lord.
You have power. You have prayer. If you truly believe in the power of prayer, you know that you have power beyond measure. Believe. Believe. Believe. God will not fail you. God is able to do it all. It takes full-time faith in God. Full-time that God is there in good and bad. Period. Let's start anew and reach for God daily. Chase after him. Believe that you have power. Believe that God is truly faithful and amazing....Be Blessed...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

God is Able, You are Able...Believe!

<p>My encouragement to you this week is to be positive about yourself &amp; your circumstances. You're an amazing person created by a faithful, loving God. Nothing is impossible using the strength of God. Trust him. Believe in you. Be positive and keep going forward knowing you have the GREATEST support.

How much belief do you have in yourself? How well do feel about yourself? I hope you feel good about both of these things. You need incredible belief in yourself and to feel good about the person you. You are special and blessed with many gifts and talents. You should be positive about yourself. Realize the beauty in yourself. Realize the greatness in you because it is all there. You may be going through tough times. We all do. This is where you must be your biggest fan. You have to tell yourself that you can do this. You can take this on knowing that your efforts will return with a good result. If that voice of motivation in your head isn't one of the first thing to get you going, don't expect the words of others to mean that much more. You have to believe in self and that you can overcome your problems. I'm sure it's hard and it hurts but kicking yourself and losing faith yourself is not the answer. Loving yourself and pushing yourself will always be the answer.

But the biggest reason to be positive: God. Again, you are an amazing person created by God. God doesn't want you to fail. God doesn't want you to be unhappy. Every good thing a parent wants for their child is what God wants for you. He is faithful and loving. Turn to him. Call to God to help you get where you best effort is falling short. Not to say it's not good enough but God has a key to open all the doors needing to be opened n our lives. Stay prayerful. Stay in prayer. E. M. Bounds says " We can do nothing without prayer. All things can be done by importunate prayer. It surmounts or removes all obstacles, overcomes every resisting force and gains its ends in the face of invincible hindrances." That is powerful truth. God is our greatest support. Our shield and strength. Go on and tackle your problems. Exert patience and be confident. Be confident in God and in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, how can you expect to be successful? Wipe your tears. It's fine to cry but you have to remember who you are and remember that you are watched by the Lord. He wants you to be happy. It takes full-time faith in God and self. Don't lose it...Be Blessed...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Let God be Seen Through You!

My encouragement to you is to appreciate and praise God for His grace. God will give us many, many blessings. Pray God give you wisdom to use what He's given you. Thank & appreciate God for His grace. Tell the world how God is working in your life!

I really mean this. God's grace is something I think gets overlooked so so often because we take our daily routines for granted more than we should. We are expected to wake up, go to work/school, etc. There are people who envy where you are in your life. Praise God for all the grace He has given to you in your life. I'm sure your life is far, far from perfect. Not even half the way you may even like it. But praise God for the evidence of His grace in your life. God is an awesome Provider. Whether He is showing up big or small at the time, He is STILL and ALWAYS worthy of some praise!
God will bless us so much in our life. Make sure we use the blessings with some wisdom. Some people get a new job, spouse, or some opportunity and have no clue how to properly use what God has given to you. Pray to God that you use the blessings given to you wisely AND in a way that you can help another person. Don't squander or take for granted the gifts and blessings God has entrusted you with. Some blessings may not show themselves initially too but God will do something to shake your foundation for your good and the good of the Lord.
God has given you tremendous grace. Shout it out for the world to KNOW who you serve and why do you serve Him! Let the world know the fruit of His grace in your life. Let the world know how He has delivered you! The world needs to see and know God and they can see God through you if you are willing to shout out His name. Not only when a good things happens. Talk about God when you're hurting. Talk about God in your confusion. Talk about God at all times. It helps you see God and others see God in you!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Take Action! God will Guide You!

My encouragement to you this week is to be great on purpose! Give your visions to God, keep praying, and GET TO WORK! You WILL stumble. It's OK. You WILL cry. It's OK. Be courageous. STOP living in your dreams and START changing your reality!
 Be great on purpose. There is no need to tip toe about all that you really want to accomplish in your life. You are an amazing person. You are a great person full of amazing potential. Amazing potential that is inside of you that all of us have a tendency to limit. We limit ourselves out of fear, self-doubt, and various other personal reasons. Take the limits off and get to work! You have a vision for yourself. You have a vision on the change that you would like to see manifested. I'm asking you and pleading with you to take it to God. Let it all out to God the vision that you have for yourself! Cry, scream, and be open with the Lord because He already knows it causes you trouble. Now it is your turn to trust Him with your vision! Trust Him to make a way for you! Pray about it daily. Some days will seem more progressive than others but that doesn't mean God isn't leading you! He's there!
Get to work! Anything that you want to see changed in your life will not just happen. If you have a vision to raise your bank account, get a new job, lose weight, or grow with God, etc will not just happen without you doing something about it! You have to act! You have to move! You have to shift some things around, all the way around at times, and get set out on this mission. You can't receive your blessings without action. You don't fall backwards into success unless you're just that lucky. And even then you have to move to fall backwards! So you need to get to work!
I want to warn you though than this is going to be a struggle. You WILL stumble. It's OK to stumble along the way. You just get back up and keep going at it. Adversity is there to form strength in us. It helps us become more resilient. God is with you too. He won't let you fail. He has never failed so you won't fail! It may not come exactly how YOU want it but expect it to come. And yes your adversity will cause you some tears. It hurts sometimes to go through these tough situations and our obstacles seem insurmountable.It's OK to cry. We all have cried once in our life from pain. That's fine. It doesn't mean you're weak. You're human. Don't get discouraged. Keep going and I promise you'll make it where you need to be. Stop chasing these dreams in our minds of how we hope our lives should be and start changing the things that you can change about your life. Have some courage. "Without dreams, there can be no courage. And without courage, there can be no action." So it's natural to have dreams for your life but why not make them real to you? You have the ability in you because you are an amazing person full of so much potential. You got this!...Be Blessed..