Thursday, June 23, 2011

Christ will provide...

My encouragement for you this week is to remember in Christ you are everything even when you feel like nothing. All that we are and ever hope to be lies in Christ. There is peace and strength to be found in the name of Jesus.

There are many days where we feel like we are really at our whits end or we are really struggling to even live for another day. Everyday begins to turn into the same day. We live in the monotony of our sorrows, our setbacks, and our hangups. My question to myself and to you is do you have Christ? Do you believe in the power of his name? Do you believe in all of his promises. I do and I hope/know you do too. If this is so, we have everything we need to push us to strive and not just to live. We are everything in Christ. We will be victorious. Christ will give us the power to overcome. Christ will give us the tools we need to make the steps to gaining our peace. We may have to realize at times, this won't be easy and won't happen overnight. But in the name of Christ, strength will be granted to us. It says in the Bible to acknowledge the Lord in ALL OUR WAYS. That wasn't a recommendation. That is a necessity. A necessity needed to acquire so many of the necessary things that God has for our lives. Christ has an.irreplaceable role in our lives. Let him play his role. We are EVERYTHING IN CHRIST. We have so many gifts that are waiting to be afforded to us. Keep your eyes towards Heaven at all moments to ensure you walk in your faith when the road looks a bit dark. In unity of Christ, all is possible ....Be Blessed....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Realize God is a Full-Time God

My encouragement to you this week is to live KNOWING God has the ability to move mountains in your life for your happiness and will battle everyday for you!

A lot of us get caught up in being "aware" how good God is and how good he can be for us. We are " aware" that he is the one that is supposed to be all of our help. We at times just tend to forget to live that way at all times. God is not a part time God in our lives. Neither should our faith be part time. Live knowing God can do so much to add to our lives. he can do so much with even so little. Our ability is painfully limited especially when we can't think straight. God is always thinking clearly and is always of righteous judgment. He can discern all the great things for our lives.God knows we will have hard times AND YOU SHOULD TOO. LIFE WILL NOT ALWAYS BE GOLDEN!!! You need to know this!! BUT that doesn't mean God will not work towards giving us happiness. there are times we are just so blind that we won't pay attention to the blessings that come along the way. We want our blessings the way we want it but fail to see what God has worked in the midst of your situation. We all do it. I was concerned last year about being broke with no job last summer. How will I pay bills? Well, I didn't pay all of them but i was able to pay the ones I needed to. Then a few months later God provided a steady gig along the way. Little things like that I neglected because I didn't have what I wanted how I wanted it. But God was working with me along the way and has blessed me soooo much. God will move mountains for us. Every day felt like an emotional tug of war but God won the battle for me which I know he can do the same for you but it our responsibility to live in the promise for God in our life!! WE HAVE TO STOP PAYING LIP SERVICE. If you are going to believe in God and his ability, that should never change when something happens. Seriously...Be Blessed...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

....Stick With God...

Rest your assurance on God’s love in your heart—not on the fear in your mind. It is a must in life. We get so caught up in our fears and in our anger that we totally lose sight of God and what he has been to us. We feel so alone when God has always promised us three things. He has promised to give us all that we need. God has promised to give us the victory over our battles. God has promised us his presence in our lives at all times. The fear for our futures can be such an overwhelming thought especially when we know that our situation can go into the future. I know it's much easier to live in doubt than it is in faith but just keep trying to live in the promises of God. Live in those promises.God may take his time with you at times but that doesn't mean he his not furnishing a way for you. That doesn't mean he is not furnishing you in the situation. Because if we come out the situation without truly understanding who is our Help, what good does it do the Lord? The Lord needs to be acknowledged and we need to acknowledge the Lord. Live in hope for your life. Live in faith. take courage. Push your faith ahead of your fears and live that way. Stop living in fear for your life when you are promised God's presence. I KNOW NONE OF THIS EASY. I am human too and I can't lie and say I do react in fear from time to time but I know that I feel much better living in the hope that God will change my life in the way it needs to be changed. I'm very sure you would too. When you see a goal, know that it's attainable, have the resources to get there, we attack it!! God id the ultimate resource!! Attack your goal. Our goal is always attainable when we invite God in it. I don't care how daunting it is. God will make a way!!...Be Blessed...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

With Jesus I Can Take It....

My encouragement to you this week is to press forward in faith even in hard circumstances. It's ok to cry. It's ok to get mad. But never forget in due time your faith will be rewarded. God will never forsake his promises for our life.

How hard is it at times to take that leap of faith? Forget leap, just even that very next step in your faith. It can be so hard when time after time you are being hit with something new in your life that just makes you feel so overwhelmed. I know the feeling. last year, I was trying to be so strong for everyone else when inside I was dying. I was trying to be a pillar for others and in my own life, I just was being blitzed on all sides with a newer set of troubles. Everyone who would call me or talk to me, I was always firm about living by faith and pushing forward when I was having a hard time passing GO myself. One day, I broke down, cried and got so upset. I stopped and realized that would do nothing for me. I got down on my hands and knees and cried out to God and asked him to simply order my steps where I should go. If you lead me Lord, I will follow. I started really just living out the same faith that I exhort to others. It took some time but I truly saw the changes God had made for my life. God started blessing me with open doors and bigger opportunities that I am still benefiting from today. The road hasn't been all smooth but with God it has been much better. I live in more hope for my paths ahead of me. I get overwhelmed at times with things but the hope I have in God to grant me peace is the voice that comes through in the midst of my hard times. I know God can make some changes in my life. he is more than capable. I have to live in that faith and the optimism that he can do all that I am asking of him and I know he can. He has been doing things for me even when I turned my back on him intentionally or unintentionally. When I look towards the ways of the Lord and live in my faith actively, I know My Father will hear me and come down to help his child. But this hope that i have which leads me to my perseverance comes from and overpowering faith that I have in the ability of God and his love for forward in your faith and watch God reaffirm your faith..Be Blessed..

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New problems...Same Faithful God....Call Him Up!!!

My encouragement for you this week is to renew yourself in Christ daily. No two days are the same. We grow weary. But don't grow weary too call on Christ. Christ will refresh you. We've seen his work in our lives before and we will everyday we call to him.

Everyday is not the same day. period. We may carry some of yesterday's burdens into tomorrow but no days are the same. Yesterday's burden may not be a burden tomorrow or the day after that. We don't know if it will. We may be riding on a high for life. But that doesn't mean that it will last too. We need God daily. That will never change. NEVER. That will always last. We grow weary in life. Very weary. We need a renewed strength everyday to tackle on the new onset of challenges that may arise daily. Some may say life is good for me now, so I'm good. That's ok. But pray God continue the good work he is doing in your life at this moment. The prosperity that you enjoy is only because of the goodness of our Lord and Savior. the peace that you have is through the goodness and grace of the Lord. Then there are some of us who grow ever so weary. We grow tired with our day to day struggles or the new ones which arise. Call unto God and ask him to give you a renewed strength and a renewed mind to take on the onset of troubles which may present themselves. God will help you at all times. Take time and reflect on all that God has done for you thus far. Your current trouble is no different. If God was faithful then, he will be ever so faithful now. If God was with you when you stood tall, God will truly be with you as you are humbled to your knees by constant troubles. Remember who God is and that he has no limits on what he can do for you. It may take some time but the hope you build in God will grow perseverance and perseverance will grow your character. Then at the very end, he will take away the pain which afflicts you. God is an awesome God. Never lose faith in the ability of out Father...Be Blessed...