Thursday, November 17, 2011

Be a Light to the World!

My encouragement to you this week is conduct yourself in a manner truly pleasing to the Lord. Pray to him in total faithfulness. Love others as God loves you. Praise God for where you are ,no matter what, and where you expect God to take you! Be a living sacrifice. A light to the world!
Are you living a life for Christ? Are you living a life that is pleasurable to the Lord? Are you walking the hard walk of a servant of Christ with your best in conduct? Maybe you aren't perfect at it. Good chance you aren't but are you giving it an honest try to make that happen? I pray that you are. God is faithful to all of us who turn our hearts to him. God is faithful to all of us who are learning to trust God in all facets of our lives. God knows it isn't easy bit he will show himself to you along the way to show that it's worth it. Every minute! Pray to God in total, total faithfulness!! Give God the praise that he deserves and trust God like never before. Trust God to make the dreams of your mind realities. Trust God to get you through. Trust God to take the little you have and make it so much more. In the same love that God is giving you, give it to someone else. Show someone the compassion that God has been giving you over and over again. Give others love. If we give others love, they may feel inclined to give it to other people. Love one another with a deep affection. Love people so we can live in more peace with each other. It goes a long way. And praise God for who God has been on our lives no matter what we are dealing with in our lives! When you worship and praise God, there will be place for you tomorrow because of the praise you give him today! don't shy away from giving God all of the praise he is owed for the mountains he continually moves in our lives. When we praise, live in faith, and spread love to others we are a LIGHT to the world. We are a light to the world! We are spreading the mission and the kingdom of God when we are doing these things. Of course there is more to be done, but what a great foundation of faith, love, and praise!...Be Blessed..

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